Sunday, November 2, 2008

Accepting the Challenge

I had signed up for a challenge swap over in one of the yahoo groups I belong to, ATC Connection. The lady hosting it, JJ, sent out 7 identical sets of 4 mystery packets. The rules were simple: Use all items provided and do not mix items from different packets. But we could add our own items if we wanted. When I first opened the package I almost fainted. This was going to be more of a challenge than I anticipated! The items weren't exactly what I'm used to working with, and I knew these were not going to be done in a style that I usually like. But hey, that's the fun of challenges...sometimes they take you outside of your comfort zone. I got done in plenty of time, the deadline isn't until November 15th. I don't think they came out too bad. I actually like the red flower one, although that is probably the hardest one for you to see. So, now with this swap out of the way I can work on making some cards to use as personal trades. My stockpile is pitifully low. Between being busy and then getting very sick I haven't had much play time to be productive. I had forbidden myself from browsing my favorite contacts on flickr because I knew if I found any cards that I liked I wouldn't have anything to offer in trade. Hopefully my restriction will be lifted soon :o)

Here are the mystery packets showing what papers and embellishments I had to work with and the end results:

That's it for now. I hope everyone had a safe Halloween and a great weekend!


Shelly said...

Awesome job with the challenge cards ! Love the ladybug, of course. The blog is looking good!

Cindy said...

Anita - I'm glad I tripped across your blog this morning and saw these challenge cards. I was part of the same challenge (you can see mine on my blog way back when sometime) and haven't received any cards back yet so I was glad to see someone else's work!

Keep up the playing with your supplies - i too have been in a creative slump although my work is nothing near your beautiful stuff, it's fun just to play and get back in the groove.