Friday, March 13, 2009

Made Time To Clean

Wow, has it really been over a month since I last posted? I'm so embarrassed. That time flew by way too fast. But, I'm back now. And sadly, still no art to post! What a huge disappointment. I didn't make time to play, but I did make time to clean LOL. My reasoning was that if I got my art room cleaned out and organized that would spur me on to actually use some of this stuff. You'll see by the pictures that I do tend to over-buy, especially if there's a good sale :o) My theory is now, figure out what to do with it later. Something will always come in handy eventually. However, all these goodies can get quite out of hand, especially when you have a limited amount of space to store them. So I went back to Sam's Club and bought a second industrial shelving thingy since I loved the first one so much. At first I thought "this is great, I'll have lots of room left over and therefore can buy more stuff" since this thing is so huge. However, I quickly realized that even with this enormous structure I was still in trouble and had to come up with some creative placement for a few things. I was a good girl, though, and did manage to get rid of a lot of crap, I mean "art supplies" that I knew I'd never really need. So I'm pretty happy with the outcome of this 6-hour project.

So, here's hoping that now that I can see what I have I will be inclined to use some of it :o)

Until next time (and hopefully that won't be a month from now LOL),


Shelly said...

I only wish my stuff looked that organized. I finally semi-cleaned my room, couldn't tell the useful "ephemera" from the actual trash anymore.

Shelly said...

Me again. Stop by my blog when you have a minute ... a little award for you there.